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This site was developed with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Retrofit of Ex Ospedale Mazzoni – BLDG A (Ascoli Piceno, Italy)

Project presented by: Alessandro Vittorini (Miyamoto) at EERI 69th Annual Meeting – March 2017.






Description: This presentation shows the retrofit of Ex Ospedale Mazzoni (Building A) built in the 70’s and located in Ascoli Piceno, Central Italy, a moderate risk area. This 5-story building (1 basement) -a high school as new occupancy- is a concrete moment frame structure that is torsional, due to the high eccentricity of its concrete core. Hence, the installation of a new steel frame equipped with 6 fluid viscous dampers aims to reduce this torsional irregularity. Furthermore, new seismic joints with the adjoining buildings are created, due to the lack of them.

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