This site is in an archived state. The content remains accessible as a public resource.

This site was developed with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Integrating Historic Property and Cultural Resource Considerations into Hazard Mitigation Planning (FEMA 386-6)

FEMAMitigation “How-To” #6 shows communities, step by step, how to develop and then implement a pre-disaster planning strategy for their historic properties and cultural resources.

Too often communities recognize the importance of their historic properties and cultural resources only after disaster strikes and these assets have been damaged or even destroyed. This guide should provide community planners with the tools and resources they need to consider historic properties in mitigation planning activities. While the emphasis is on the built environment, this guide has made a special effort to include cultural institutions to address the mitigation of cultural heritage, including museum collections, works of art, and books and documents.

The website allows download of individual chapters. The full document in 4.6 MB.

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