This site is in an archived state. The content remains accessible as a public resource.

This site was developed with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Development of Guidelines for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings – Phase 1: Issues Identification and Resolution (FEMA 237)

FEMA This report assists in the preparation of Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. The report identifies and analyzes issues that might impact the preparation of the Guidelines and offers alternative and recommended solutions to facilitate their development and implementation. Also discussed are issues related to the scope, implementation, and format of the Guidelines, as well as coordination efforts and legal, political, social, and economic aspects. Issues related to historic buildings, research and new technology, seismicity and mapping, and engineering philosophy and goals are also discussed. The report concludes with a presentation of issues related to the development of specific provisions for major structural and nonstructural elements. This document can be ordered from FEMA’s website.