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This site was developed with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Seismic Sleuths: Earthquakes – A Teacher’s Package for Grades 7 through 12 (FEMA 253)

FEMAThis package provides middle and high school teachers with information about the causes and effects of earthquakes. Activity sheets for students and background materials for teachers are provided in each of the volume’s six units.

The units assess students’ knowledge about earthquakes and provide information about preparedness and emergency management; discuss the causes of earthquakes, including crustal stresses and the earth’s structure, and their effects; present information on seismic waves and the development of seismology and instruments used to measure an earthquake’s magnitude; explain the effects of earthquakes on buildings and earthquake-resistant design techniques; and discuss earthquake preparedness and the reactions of different populations to historical earthquakes. The last unit provides a variety of summary and assessment activities and additional resources. The CD–ROM (FEMA 253CD) contains the curriculum supplements that provide teachers with background materials and activity sheets.

Visit the website to download all or part of this manual.