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This site was developed with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Emergency Response Plan Earthquake Annex – San Francisco

Source: San Francisco Department of Emergency Management (SFDEM)

The City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) and the surrounding region are subject to major
earthquakes. As demonstrated by past earthquake events, such as the 1906 and 1989 earthquakes,
a large earthquake will cause major damage on a regional basis, destroying or damaging
thousands of buildings, disrupting transportation and utility systems, and causing thousands of
injuries or fatalities. Response to a disaster of this magnitude will severely strain the resources of
both the public and private sectors in the region.
The CCSF Earthquake Annex provides an overview of considerations for CCSF response to a
major earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area. The primary purpose of this plan is to support
effective management of the initial response.

Click here to view the document.