This site is in an archived state. The content remains accessible as a public resource.

This site was developed with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Seattle Project Impact

Seattle Project Impact logoSeattle Project Impact is a public-private partnership whose overall goal is to make regional communities more resistant to the damaging effects of disasters. The Project encourages people to take action before a disaster occurs through initiatives promoting safer homes, schools, buisnesses, and better earthquake and landslide hazard mapping. Other communities are encouraged to use the resources of this website, created by the City of Seattle, Washington.

A section on Regional Home Retrofit offers guidelines on financing and permitting, as well as step by step descriptions of the retrofit process, aimed at homeowners.

A valuable section on School Retrofit addresses nonstructural retrofit of older schools. A Nonstructural Protection Guide provides case studies, assessment tools, and details for reducing nonstructural hazards in schools.

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