- EarthquakeRetrofit.org Data
- Tarjetas FLASH Ready Business (ESP)
- The Resilient City: Defining What San Francisco Needs from its Seismic Mitigation Policies
- Expeceted Earthquake Performance of Buildings Design to the California Building Code
- Retrofit of Ex Ospedale Mazzoni – BLDG A (Ascoli Piceno, Italy)
- General Guidelines for the Assessment and Repair of Earthquake Damage in Residential Woodframe Buildings
- Here Today—Here Tomorrow: The Road to Earthquake Resilience in San Francisco ATC 52-4 Report
- Safer Cities Survey Report
- 2015 EERI Anual meeting: Public policy and implications
- Built to Resist Earthquakes: Training Materials to Improve the Quality of the Design and Construction of Buildings to Resist Earthquakes
- Lifelines: Upgrading Infraestructure to Enhance San Francisco’s Earthquake Resilence
- Construction of a House with Brick Masonry Confined Cement (Spanish)
- Community Resilience Planning Guide
- Community Resilience Economic Decision Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems
- 2017 Data to Policy Workshop: URM Retrofit Strategies That Engage Communities
- Ghaziabad City Disaster Management Plan 2011-2012
- SPUR Report 01/2012: Safe Enough to Stay
- Building Community Disaster Resilience through Private-Public Collaboration
- Unreinforced Masonry Buildings and Earthquakes: Developing Successful Risk Reduction Programs
- Success Stories chosen by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
- ABAG Soft Stories Page
- City of San Leandro: 3 Easy Low Cost Ways to Make Your Home Earthquake Survivable
- San Leandro Retrofit Program
- Barriers to Mitigation: A Pilot Study
- City of San Jose: The Apartment Owner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety
- Oakland’s Retrofit Guide: Earthquakes Happen, Easy Low Cost Ways to Make Your Home Earthquake Survivable
- Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (SNAP)
- Lifelines Council for the City of San Francisco
- Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Actions before and after Two Earthquakes
- Natural Hazard Mitigation: Various Mitigation Efforts Exist, but Federal Efforts Do Not Provide a Comprehensive Strategic Framework
- Emergency Response Plan Earthquake Annex – San Francisco
- Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country and Related Resources
- Human casualties in earthquakes: modelling and mitigation
- HAZUS Publications
- Annotated bibliography for public risk communication on warnings for public protective actions response and public education
- Examples of Successful Seismic Safety Advocacy
- Risk Communication Guide for State and Local Agencies
- Living on Shaky Ground: How to Survive Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Northern California
- Plan for Developing and Adopting Seismic Design Guidelines and Standards for Lifelines (FEMA 271)
- Earthquake Resistant Construction of Gas and Liquid Fuel Pipeline Systems Serving or Regulated by the Federal Government (fema 233)
- Collocation Impacts on the Vulnerability of Lifelines during Earthquakes with Applications to the Cajon Pass, California (FEMA 226)
- Inventory of Lifelines in the Cajon Pass, California (FEMA 225)
- Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United States (FEMA 224)
- Collocation Impacts on the Vulnerability of Lifelines during Earthquakes with Applications to the Cajon Pass, California: Study Overview (FEMA 221)
- Earthquake Resistant Construction of Electric Transmission and Telecommunication Facilities Serving the Federal Government (FEMA-202)
- Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage (FEMA-74)
- Improvement of Nonlinear Static Seismic Analysis Procedures (FEMA 440)
- Action Plan for Performance Based Seismic Design (FEMA 349)
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Federal Buildings: A Benefit/Cost Model. Volume 2: Supporting Documentation (FEMA 256)
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Federal Buildings: A Benefit/Cost Model. Volume 1: A User’s Manual (FEMA 255)