In this category, you will find resources that can increase the awareness of earthquake risk in a community and that can stimulate mitigation action among individuals, governments, and organizations. Case studies of successful mitigation advocacy initiatives are also included. The examples can be applied to other communities in the United States and abroad.
- Tarjetas FLASH Ready Business (ESP)
- Expeceted Earthquake Performance of Buildings Design to the California Building Code
- Retrofit of Ex Ospedale Mazzoni – BLDG A (Ascoli Piceno, Italy)
- Construction of a House with Brick Masonry Confined Cement (Spanish)
- Community Resilience Planning Guide
- Community Resilience Economic Decision Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems
- 2017 Data to Policy Workshop: URM Retrofit Strategies That Engage Communities
- Unreinforced Masonry Buildings and Earthquakes: Developing Successful Risk Reduction Programs
- Success Stories chosen by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
- ABAG Soft Stories Page
- San Leandro Retrofit Program
- Barriers to Mitigation: A Pilot Study
- Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare (SNAP)
- Natural Hazard Mitigation: Various Mitigation Efforts Exist, but Federal Efforts Do Not Provide a Comprehensive Strategic Framework
- Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country and Related Resources
- Human casualties in earthquakes: modelling and mitigation
- HAZUS Publications
- Annotated bibliography for public risk communication on warnings for public protective actions response and public education
- Examples of Successful Seismic Safety Advocacy
- The Repair of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings (FEMA 308)
- The CUREE-CalTech Woodframe Project: Educational Outreach to the Public
- Summary of Interagency Agreements
- Mitigation Works: Hurricane and Tornado Quotes
- Mitigation Works: Hazus Quotes
- Mitigation Works: General Quotes
- Mitigation Works: Flood Quotes
- Mitigation Works: Fire Quotes
- Mitigation Works: Erosion Quotes
- Mitigation Works: Dam Safety Quotes
- Building Disaster Resistant Communities Overview
- Understanding Regional Implications for Your Scenario
- Sharing Your Scenario
- Finding a Champion for Your Scenario
- Getting Media and University Support for Your Scenario
- Cannon Beach Case Study Report
- Developing Scenarios
- Expand Your View
- Hold that Thought!
- Public Outreach and Behavior Change
- Great California ShakeOut
- Communicating Science News
- Protecting Your Family From Earthquakes (San Francisco Bay Area) [English and Spanish]
- Guidelines for Developing an Earthquake Scenario
- 1906 SF Earthquake Photos
- Promoting Seismic Safety: Guidance for Advocates (FEMA 474)
- Just-in-Time Inventory: Effects on Earthquake Recovery
- Mitigation Information for Businesses
- HAZUS Loss Estimation Model for Earthquakes
- Open for Business