- The Resilient City: Defining What San Francisco Needs from its Seismic Mitigation Policies
- Here Today—Here Tomorrow: The Road to Earthquake Resilience in San Francisco ATC 52-4 Report
- Safer Cities Survey Report
- 2015 EERI Anual meeting: Public policy and implications
- Built to Resist Earthquakes: Training Materials to Improve the Quality of the Design and Construction of Buildings to Resist Earthquakes
- Lifelines: Upgrading Infraestructure to Enhance San Francisco’s Earthquake Resilence
- Ghaziabad City Disaster Management Plan 2011-2012
- SPUR Report 01/2012: Safe Enough to Stay
- Building Community Disaster Resilience through Private-Public Collaboration
- ABAG Soft Stories Page
- Barriers to Mitigation: A Pilot Study
- Lifelines Council for the City of San Francisco
- Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Actions before and after Two Earthquakes
- Emergency Response Plan Earthquake Annex – San Francisco
- Plan for Developing and Adopting Seismic Design Guidelines and Standards for Lifelines (FEMA 271)
- Earthquake Resistant Construction of Gas and Liquid Fuel Pipeline Systems Serving or Regulated by the Federal Government (fema 233)
- Collocation Impacts on the Vulnerability of Lifelines during Earthquakes with Applications to the Cajon Pass, California (FEMA 226)
- Inventory of Lifelines in the Cajon Pass, California (FEMA 225)
- Seismic Vulnerability and Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the Conterminous United States (FEMA 224)
- Collocation Impacts on the Vulnerability of Lifelines during Earthquakes with Applications to the Cajon Pass, California: Study Overview (FEMA 221)
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings: Strategic Plan 2005 (FEMA 315)
- Establishing Programs and Priorities for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings: Supporting Report (FEMA 173)
- Establishing Programs and Priorities for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings: Handbook (FEMA 174)
- HAZUS-MH Estimated Annualized Earthquake Losses for the United States (FEMA 366)
- Seismic Retrofit Incentive Programs: A Handbook for Local Governments (FEMA 254)
- National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Strategic Plan 2009 – 2013
- Expanding and Using Knowledge to Reduce Earthquake Losses: The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Strategic Plan 2001-2005 (FEMA 383)
- Loss-Reduction of a Federal Earthquake Insurance Program: Final Report Summary (FEMA 201)
- Loss-Reduction of a Federal Earthquake Insurance Program: Final Report (FEMA 200)
- Financial Incentives for Seismic Rehabilitation of Hazardous Buildings – An Agenda for Action. Volume 2: State and Local Case Studies and Recommendations (FEMA 199)
- Financial Incentives for Seismic Rehabilitation of Hazardous Buildings – An Agenda for Action. Volume 1: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations (FEMA 198)
- Earthquake Insurance: A Public Policy Dilemma (FEMA 68)
- NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Buildings (FEMA 450, Long Period Maps)
- NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Buildings (FEMA 450, MCE Maps)
- NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Buildings (FEMA 450, Part II)
- NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Buildings (FEMA 450, Part I)
- Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Programs at the Community Level
- Mitigation Works: Planning Quotes
- PlaceMatters Tools
- Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves
- Early California legislative politics and seismic safety
- Community Disaster Resilience: A Summary of the March 20 2006 Workshop of the NAS Disasters Roundtable
- Designing for Tsunamis
- Local Planning Guidance on Tsunami Response
- A Policy Guide to Steel Moment Frame Construction (FEMA 354)
- Incentives to Improve California’s Earthquake Safety
- Improving Natural Gas Safety in Earthquakes
- Seismic Considerations for Communities at Risk (FEMA 83)
- Promoting the Adoption and Enforcement of Seismic Building Codes: A Guidebook for State Earthquake and Mitigation Managers (FEMA 313)
- Societal Implications: Selected Readings (FEMA 84)